The month of May has romantic symbolism in many cultures and is associated with love and the Heart. In Czech We celebrate the first of May as a time of love in Czech. We also celebrate “Mother’s Day” as an expression of love and thanks to our mums.
In ancient Greece, the month of May was dedicated to the goddess Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. According to Greek mythology, the weddings of the gods Zeus and Hera took place during this month, giving the month an added romantic symbolism.
It is the month when the nature is geting alive after winter and flowers and trees bloom. This is why May Day festivities are held in this month, when maypoles and trees decorated with flowers and ribbons are erected, a custom associated with the ritual of love and the expression of respect for nature.
In traditional Chinese medicine, May is associated with the path of the heart and the element of fire.
The heart is called the ruler of all organs, it is believed to be the center of the spirit and its balance or imbalance affects the psychological side of us.
The emotion that is associated with the heart is joy. Its excess or lack is a reflection of the energy of our heart. When the energy of the heart is empty or deficient, we feel sad and melancholic, while when its energy is in excess, we feel joyful and full of energy.
The heart is yang energy, attached to the element of fire. Therefore, men who are more in their yang nature are more prone to its imbalance. The heart is more burdened during the hot days of summer, so it is important to give it your attention.
Be creative and enjoy every moment. Listen to the rhythm of your heart and give yourself rest when needed. Tune in through your heart to the essence of nature that comes alive in May after winter. Slow down, enjoy the beauty and harmony of the world around you, enjoy the romance of May and remember to give love to yourself and also to your heart and you will see that you will feel more creative energy and joy in life in return.
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